Invest in Yourself
We've all been there, we've all got the t shirt.
When it comes to self improvement we have all the will in the world and even get started but at times it's easy to become overwhelmed with 'to do' lists, goals and maintaining the momentum of motivating ourselves.
Sometimes we ditch plans because we feel we have NOT TIME.
If you were to add up how many books you purchased, time spent searching the internet on self improvement, reading motivational quotes on social media, downloading apps, buying the latest trends for diets, fitness or gadgets, setting up businesses or hobbies you no longer pursue and simply all the hours looking at other peoples lives on social media and ultimately feeling low that your life isn't how you want it to be, it's easy to see this all costs us, emotionally and financially.
So what can you do?
Well you always have options.
1: Continue the way you are, motivate yourself and goal set. Does this move you forward or is it the same process over and over again? Be honest.
2: Try a different way, what do you have to lose? it doesn't work? okay but you will simply have what you already have, so nothing will have changed, if anything it will be slightly closer to your goal.
3: Commit to change and try something you have never tried before, hiring a professional to help you hit those goals head on and see life changing results.
Wooooah ! it's just got real, how does it feel to know these goals can actually be achieved now? a little scary? can you feel yourself backing away a little, are you unsure now, is this what you really want?
i know change can feel scary, but coaching isn't!
it's life having a best friend who has your back and is there for you, hyping you up, cheering you on and being there when you are showcasing yourself to the world.
Wow what a relief, all those books and apps can finally be put to good use in some kind of order.
So whats the difference between coaching yourself and hiring a coach?
Simply put, you either go to a gym and train yourself or you hire a personal trainer.
The results can be very different depending on what you want to acheive and how quickly and effectively you want to do it.
There is only so much we can do ourselves but the specifics are better when we work together with another person who is experienced in that field.
So if its general motivation day to day and the odd short term goal, you can click on the FREE workbook called CHANGE YOUR LIFE by Jennie Sutherland that can assist you with making some changes.
You can also browse the other BLOG POSTS and check out instagram for daily motivation on @jenniesutherlandcoaching
But, for the specifics Jennie also is here to offer her wealth of knowledge and guidance in the form of coaching sessions.
Short term session packages between 4-12 hours in total that help you specifically achieve particular goals.
Can you actually put a price on happiness?
Hiring a life coach is an investment in yourself and your future. It is a commitment to personal growth and achieving your full potential. Remember, even the most successful individuals have coaches to help them reach new heights. So why not give yourself the same advantage?
If you're ready to take your life to the next level, consider hiring a life coach. With their guidance and support, you can overcome obstacles, achieve your goals, and unlock your full potential.
Your coach will personalise the sessions for you, through to completion and success! It's not easy, there is lots of effort involved and your coach will challenge where necessary to keep you on your toes.
So in terms of price, how much is life coaching?
This is a question that either shocks people or makes them pleasantly surprised.
1: For anything personalised, you will always pay a premium for a unique 121 service.
It's tailored for you with your personal life goals in mind, so it's not a one size fits all plan.
Each plan created, evolves over time and is always based around what you want.
2: You are hiring an individual and anyone who works, gets paid an hourly rate based on their experience and knowledge. anything from £45-150+ depending on the coach.
3: Some coaches will create packages to offer a cost effective way of being coached over a longer period of time.
For full details of life coach, Jennie Sutherland's pricing structure, get in touch below and receive a free welcome pack
in the mean time get signing up to receive the FREE downloadable workbook CHANGE YOUR LIFE by jennie Sutherland, below and also browse the coaching session packages on the HOME page
Let's get going with your goals.
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